Cro-Mags - March 31, 198?

NY/HC was harder to access in those days and I didn't have any pen-pals in NYC so didn't get much art from there.  But what a scene! So many great acts: Cro-Mags, Agnostic Front, Reagan Youth, Murphy's Law and of course the Anthrax derivative: Stormtroopers of Death.

Circle Jerks - March 29, 1986

What could be more upsetting to parents than bands named Butthole Surfers and Circle Jerks? My kind of Easter indeed.

And the alternate

Dag Nasty - March 29, 1987

I don't remember Dag Nasty though I know they are still active. Doggy Style however, did some fine work years before Snoop took the moniker in an entirely different direction.

The mailer
The poster

Venom - March 28, 1986

Venom - wow. They, more than anyone, pushed me toward preferring more metal than a punker was allowed to peaceably enjoy at the time. Boundaries were clearly delimited and there was quite a light-hearted rivalry between the punks and the "rockers". Anyone in a Maiden muscle-t was beggin' for a haranguing.
What subversive lyrical content too - a totally different form of "dangerous", anti-social content than the political commentary from the likes of say DK or MDC. and they made Tipper Gore's list of the "Filthy Fifteen" for their brand of black metal occultism. Sadly, the mice got to this one and ate off a corner.

Agent Orange - March 25, 1988

Agent Orange - another legend I never particularly warmed to though their music was a staple with the skater crowd I ran skated with. Also note the Chili Peppers in 1988 - though they already had three albums out by then, they were at their very best in these early days.

Poster version with the addition of I.G.D. (Infectious Garage Disease) - an ensemble that didn't take off.

Corrosion of Conformity - March 14, 1987

Corrosion of Conformity - yet another great band still touring today. And SNFU purportedly meant "Society's No Fucking Use" though members insist it's without meaning, since I knew you were wondering.

This was on my turntable for weeks on end - terrific debut.

The Alarm - March 14, 1988

Not my thing, The Alarm, though I'm aware they have a sizeable fan base. A Monday night show, I'm certain I didn't attend this one.

7 Seconds - March 11, 1987

First appearance of MDC here - a band I adored all out of proportion with their infamous "John Wayne was a Nazi". I no longer share much of their far left politics, but I did find great meaning in the work of this classic band at the time.

The poster version  - who the "one more cool band" was is lost to history.